Bring funerals into the digital age

Funeral management service which helps funeral homes of any size to make planning and management of funeral easy and interactive

Make Planning simple and straight forward

  •   Enter and search among your funeral
  •   Upload documents to the tasks
  •   Calender functionality

Collaborate directly and securely with the relatives

  •   Sharable page funeral planing tasks
  •   Automatic notifications on updates in process
  •   Chat with relatives
  •   Share images and video

The security of your data is highest concern

  •   GDPR complient
  •   Hosting within the EU
  •   2 factor authentiction by default
  •   Delete all* your data anytime

    *Excluding data we are obliged to keep do to legal obligations

Collaborate with your suppliers

Nem Afsked makes it easy to include suppliers into the planning of funerals. This include: authorities, florists, drivers and memorial masons.

Everything about Nem Afsked

We are a SaaS service global company to be used by funeral homes, we provide different functionalities which can help the funeral home enter the digital age.

What our customers say

We are global company with many customer around the world. We do our best to make sure they are happy with our job

Many features

"The service offers many features to make the entire process interactive and smoother for all parties. I have been using it for over 6 months and its been a great experience with no glitches or bugs so far."

Zain Schleifer

Magic perform

"I had been struggling for years to get my ideas out and was about to give up. Then I found Nem Afsked, who solved my situation in no time! I don't know what kind of magic he performs but he is worth every penny! Life-changing! "

Angel Ekstrom B

My life would be so much harder without Nem Afsked

I have a really hard time focusing and getting my work done, but with Nem Afsked, I can just tell it what to do and get more tasks done in a shorter amount of time.

Kierra Vaccaro

Help the order

"Nem Afsked has helped me manage all my funeral tasks and even assists me when it comes to giving presentations to families of recently deceased loved ones. It has completely changed the way"

Skylar Schleifer